Description: Toby is 8 years old, weighs about 18lbs.,and is a neutered male. He is heartworm neg., has had is shots, and has great teeth. Toby is very lovable and playful. He loves to be scratched on his chest and belly. He will play fetch with a stuffed animal. He also loves to be indoors. He does go outside to use the bathroom, but will let you know he is ready to come back inside by barking. He gets along great with children of all ages. He does get along with other dogs if he likes them. If he does'nt he will let them know. He loves to sleep with people and loves to be next to you on the couch. He is a long haired chocolate dapple. He has been groomed, so his hair is short right now. He is leashed trained and loves short walks.
Other Pictures of Toby (click to see larger version):