Besides general donations, we have several other donation programs:
Pack Pals - Easily support the rescued Doxies with an automatic monthly donation subscription powered by Pay Pal.
Sponsor A Dachshund - Choose a forever foster or a special needs foster to take into your heart. Click on their picture to donate.
Honors & Memorials - Donate in memory or honor of a loved one or beloved pet. Provide a photo and message via email to include on our Honors/Memoral page.
In Kind - Donate needed items to the Doxies. Please see our wish list forthe most needed items and contact us via email at to arrange pickup or delivery.
ATDR Store - Visit our online ATDR Store for T-shirts, books, magnets, jewelry, etc. They all make great gifts for yourself or a special doxie lover! Store - Purchase any of our specially selected Doxie items and a portion of your sale will be donated to help our foster doxies!
Cafe Press Store - Visit our special Cafe Press store and check out all our logo items! Every purchase contributes towards the doxies!!
Shopping Partners - We have partnered with many popular online stores as an Affiliate. This means that when you access their site thru ours, they will donate a % of your purchases back to ATDR!!! If you don't see one you need, be sure to use our links thru either IGIVE or GOODSHOP....thru them we have many additional partners (some the same) that will donate back to us thru their affiliation!! Make us your first stop for shopping!
Grocery Partners - We have partnered with Randalls(Tom Thumb) and Krogers. Link your share cards to our account and a % of all your annual purchases will be donated to ATDR!! Fill your tummies and the Doxies!!! See the individual program instructions for each store, accessed from our front page or shopping partner page, to link your cards up.